Astrophotography Open Cluster

Astrophoto: Messier 103 – 01/24

After months without clear skies, finally some fresh starry material. My first image with the #Vixen #VISAC #VC200L in a long time.

Open star clusters are the ideal objects for a brief evening observation or as a preview until the main object of the night is high enough in the sky. Tonight, the open star cluster Messier 103 or Melotte 8 was my appetizer. Fourteen individual images were needed to create the final picture. What may not be sufficient for nebulas, both in the foreground and background, seems to work quite well for open star clusters, in my opinion.

Furthermore, I am pleased that my VIXEN VC200L was put into action again, especially since I had to make adjustments to its configuration on my own for the first time beforehand.

Full resolution on Flickr:

Messier 103

Technical overview

TelescopeVixen VISAC VC200L
Focal Length1800mm
Erecting Lense
CameraCANON EOS M100(a)
Guiding EquipmentPegasus Astro Indigo OAG
Guiding CameraQHY 5-III-462C
MountSkywatcher HEQ5 Pro, Belt and Hypertuned
Photography Date01/09/2024
Exposure-Time Lights14x180s
Correction framesFLATS, BIASES
SensitivityISO 1600
Processing Date01/09/2024
Software StackINDI, PixInsight, Affinity Photo
Capture PlaceKoblenz, Germany

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