Astrophotography Planet Solar System

Astrophoto: Jupiter – 09/30/2023

Too much Moon leads me to planetory imaging … here my Jupiter. One month before opposition.

Astrophotography Planet

Astrophoto: Venus-Jupiter-Conjunction – 03/23

My single shot, overexposed, picture of the Venus-Jupiter-Conjunction.

Astrophotography Planet

Astrophoto: Jupiter – 11/01/2022

My first Jupiter (sorry for copy/paste error) with a dedicated planetary camera. In my eyes a huge step forward.

Astrophotography Planet

Astrophoto: Jupiter and Galilean Moons – 10/09/2022

Jupiter and the 4 Galilean Moons. Shot at Full Moon evening with APS-C and 4500mm focal length.

Astrophotography Planet

Astrophoto: Jupiter – 09/30/2022

After endless struggling with my QHY, I decided to shoot Jupiter with my EOS.

Astrophotography Planet

Astrophoto: Saturn and Jupiter – 08/08/2021

Clouds. Week after week! At the beginning of August i had to try Jupiter and Saturn at the same day. Even with bad seeing conditions.
