Astrophotography Equipment

„Upgrade“ from Goto Mount to Polarie

Why a startracker can be understood as an upgrade to an existing goto mount. At least for me.

The Title: Upgrade from Goto Mount to Polarie needs ofcourse a few words of explanation.

About a year ago I started my journey into astrophotography with a solid beginner equipment. To be concrete, this is aVixen ed80sf, the same as a Skywatcher 80ed, with Flattener at a mirrorless EOS with APS-C Chip. And a Skywatcher HEQ-5 Pro goto mount.

Why „Upgrade“ from Goto Mount to Polarie?

I use a system with a lot space to learn and to get better.! But there are two things that I really miss and which i wanted to add to my portfolio.

  • Mobility. I want to have an equipment that can ALWAYS travel with me. It is impossible for me to carry the HEQ5 with me on a holiday journey with the family.
  • Getting real knowledge of the nightssky. Goto is a real dealbreaker for me here.

I can find the Pleiades and the Orion Nebula. But do not know where exactly the Andromeda Galaxy is located. And this can not be the goal of that game.

A few months ago I bought an Olympus Zuiko Auto-T MC 200mm F4 lens from the 1970th. This fits perfectly into my budget ultra mobile equipment.

My Ultra-Mobile Setup:

  • A used Vixen Polarie.
  • A 1970th Olympus Lens Zuiko Auto-T MC 200mm F4
  • A EOS M100(a)
  • On an old but solid Hama mount.

My very first function test was really successsfull. Here the result from only a fews total-Exposition-time with frames of 60 seconds at 200mm F5.6.

Upgrade from Goto Mount to Polarie - Example Orion Nebula to Horsehead Nebula.
My first technical test with only a few frames of 60 seconds at 200mm f5.6.

One day later I did another 120 frames of 60 seconds each. The posts process has to wait a few days.

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