Astrophotography Solar System

Map of the Moon – 09/24

The first result of my “Moon Cartography Project” – further versions of my moon map may follow.

I’ve always wanted to incorporate some cartographic information of the Moon into one of my photos. Here is the first result. It was quite a lengthy process to accurately place and align all this information on a single layer in Affinity Photo.

I’m quite sure this is only the first version of this project. There’s still a lot of information missing from this map – mostly due to the limited size and resolution of the underlying astrophotograph.

With increasingly better astrophotographs of the Moon, I’m confident I’ll be able to expand this map in the future and create my own personal cartographic work – but that’s a story for another time.

Click on the Astrobin photo for full resolution!

Full resolution on Astrobin:

Session Details:

TelescopeBaader Apo 95 CaF2 – Travel Companion
Focal Length590mm
Erecting LenseBaader M68 Field Flattener
CameraCANON EOS M100(a)
MountSkywatcher HEQ5 Pro, Belt and Hypertuned
Photography Date09/18/2024
Exposure-Time Lights700×1/4000s
Software StackRegistax, Autostakkert!, Affinity Photo
Capture PlaceKoblenz, Germany

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