I shot several photos, more than i remembered, from M39 on two of those evenings in october when i tried to configure the flattener.
Here the high resolution astrophoto on Flickr:

Lessons Learned
What i learned is, that my next refractor will be a flat field refractor!
Same data – advanced processing
even if the final astrophoto looks somewhat nice. A closer look to a single exposure shows that i did not yet found the best distance between flattener and sensor. Especially with a look into the corners:

Technical overview
Telescope | VIXEN ED80sf |
Focal Length | 600mm |
Erecting Lense | TSFlat2 |
Guiding Scope Focal Length | 162 mm |
Guiding Camera | Omegon 1200b |
Camera | CANON EOS M100(a) |
Photography Date | 10/10/2021 10/24/2021 |
Exposure-Time Lights | 48x180s |
Calibrationframes | FLATS, BIASES |
Sensitivity | ISO 400 |
Processing Date | 12/23/2021 |
Reprocessing Date | 12/15/2023 |
Capture Place | Koblenz, Germany |