In August, there was quite a bit of activity on the Sun. I also tried my luck once.

In August, there was quite a bit of activity on the Sun. I also tried my luck once.
My first astrophoto of the Sun with my Baader Travel Companion 580mm. Taken at 540nm wavelength.
The Sun – 3 days after summer solstice close to the meridian.
I knew that the sun had a lot of sunspots these days. Luckily I had the time when the weather allowed a quick lucky imaging session on January the 17th 2023.
My Solar Eclipse 2022 picture from Germany, Koblenz. One shot between the clouds! I had a time lapse video in my mind 🙂
One day, Sun full disc and details – Full Moon and details.
On sunday the 27th (and the days around it) of March 2022 there was a very huge sunspot.
Doing astrophotography, i make photos of millions of stars, but the most important one is always missing. This was the reason to purchase a herschelprism. After 1,5 months of clouds i finally wanted to test it for the first time.