Astrophotography Emission Nebula Open Cluster

Astrophoto: Rosette Nebula – Caldwell 49 -03/21

2023 reprocessed picture of Caldwell 49, the Rosette Nebula, based on the data from 2021.

Two important evenings for me. I had a lot of time for exposures and collected a lot of data, but the result shows where to focus on in the next months.

Astrophoto NGC 2237 Rosette Nebula Clear Skies 8+9.
I had two really nice evenings working on the Rosette Nebula. No real problems and in the end i was quite happe with the final result.

On this astrophoto the used EOS camera was not yet astromodified. I really like the version of this nebula much more with the OWB filter installed than the pictures without. Here is the result from 2021.

Same data – advanced processing

Hich resolution on Flickr

This is the reprocess 2023 version based on the 2021 data:

NGC 2237, Rosette Nebula and NGC 2244, Satellite Cluster

Lessons Learned

I collected a lot of light and stacked and processed it afterwards. I was quite happy with the results and the response on social networks were awesome. Now, with a look back there are a lot of problems to work on in the next months.

  • A lot of noise!
  • So i need even more photons.
  • longer exposures
  • dithering – something i started reading at.

I still was struggling with the bad support of my CANON M100 in the astrophoto tools.

Technical overview of Astrophoto NGC 2237 Rosette Nebula Clear Skies 8+9

TelescopeVIXEN ED80sf
Focal Length600mm
Aperture ratio7.5
Erecting Lense
MountSkywatcher HEQ-5
Goto-ControlCartes du Ciel
Mount ControlASCOM
Guiding Scope Focal Length162 mm
Guiding Camera Chip4.8mm x 3.6mm, 8bit
Guiding Camera Resolution1280×960
Guiding SoftwarePHD2, ASCOM Pulse
CameraCANON EOS M100
Methodfocal projection
Camera ControliOS App CC&C
Photography Date03/05/2021
Exposure-Time Lights90x150s
SensitivityISO 1250
Post Processing Dateunknown
Reprocessing Date09/16/2023
2021 Stacking, IntegrationAffinity Photo
2021 Post Processing SoftwareAffinity Photo
2023 ReprocessingPixInsight
Image EditingAffinity Photo
Capture PlaceKoblenz, Germany
LightpollutionBortle 5
Scattered lightstrong

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