Astrophotography Galaxy

Astrophoto: Messier 33 – 10/24

Messier 33, also known as the Triangulum Galaxy, is the third-largest galaxy in the Local Group, following the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way.

M33 was one of the first objects I photographed three years ago. Due to its brightness, I took advantage of a moonless evening to capture it.

Session Analysis

The session was overall quite unspectacular, but with slightly below-average seeing, which is clearly visible in the guiding performance here. It remained relatively stable throughout the evening, ranging between 0.5″ and 0.8″. I had reduced the automated refocusing from the previous 1°C to 0.75°C. I think I will stick with this value.

Full resolution on Astrobin:

Session Details:

TelescopeBaader Apo 95 CaF2 – Travel Companion
Focal Length590mm
Erecting LenseBaader M68 Field Flattener
CameraCANON EOS M100(a)
Guiding EquipmentPegasus Astro Indigo OAG
Guiding CameraQHY 5-III-462C
MountSkywatcher HEQ5 Pro, Belt and Hypertuned
Photography Date10/05/2024
Exposure-Time Lights80x180s
Correction framesFLATS, BIASES, DARKS
SensitivityISO 1600
Processing Date10/18/2024
Software StackStellarmate OS, PixInsight, Affinity Photo
Capture PlaceKoblenz, Germany

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