Open Cluster

Melotte 201 – NGC 6633

NGC 6633 is an open star cluster located in the constellation Ophiuchus, approximately 880 light-years away from Earth.

NGC 6633 is a stunning open cluster with dozens of bright and colorful stars that create a beautiful celestial tapestry against the dark backdrop of space, providing a mesmerizing sight for astronomers and stargazers alike. Its intricate structure and unique composition make it a fascinating object of study for researchers and a captivating wonder of the universe for all who behold it.

Location of NGC 6633

NGC 6633 is located in the constellation Ophiuchus, which is one of the 88 modern constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union. Ophiuchus is located near the celestial equator, and it is a large and prominent constellation that is visible from most parts of the world at certain times of the year. NGC 6633 is approximately 4 degrees east-northeast of the star Theta Ophiuchi, which is the brightest star in the constellation.

Unique facts about the Cluster

  • NGC 6633 is one of the oldest known open star clusters, estimated to be around 1.3 billion years old, which is several times older than the better-known Pleiades cluster.
  • The cluster is home to several intriguing variable stars, including a rare type of pulsating star known as a Delta Scuti variable, as well as several eclipsing binary stars that provide important clues about stellar evolution.
  • NGC 6633 is part of a larger group of stars and clusters known as the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud Complex, which is a vast region of interstellar gas and dust that is actively forming new stars, making it a hotbed of stellar activity and a fascinating subject of study for astronomers.

Brightness and size

NGC 6633 is an open star cluster located in the constellation of Ophiuchus. It is relatively close to Earth, at a distance of about 900 light-years. The brightness of NGC 6633 can vary depending on the observing conditions and the equipment used, but it is generally considered to be a relatively bright cluster.

The size of NGC 6633 is about 15 arcminutes, which is roughly half the size of the full moon. In terms of apparent size, NGC 6633 is considered to be a moderately sized open cluster, with a diameter of approximately 12-14 light-years.

In summary, NGC 6633 is a bright and moderately sized open star cluster, with a size of about 15 arcminutes and an apparent diameter of around 12-14 light-years.


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