Messier 81 is a spiral galaxy with a diameter of about 90,000 light-years and a distance of about 12 million light-years from Earth.
Category: Galaxy
Cigar Galaxy – Messier 82 – UGC 5322
Messier 82 reaches its highest point in the sky around astronomical midnight, around February 16th. It is an irregularly shaped galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major, also known as the Cigar Galaxy due to its long, slender shape.
Pinwheel Galaxy – Messier 101 – UGC 8981
Messier 101 is a spiral galaxy located about 21 million light-years away and is considered one of the brightest objects in the night sky. The yearly culmination at astronomical midnight is in the 2nd half of April.
Triangulum Galaxy – Messier 33 – UGC 1117
Messier 33, also known as the Triangulum Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation Triangulum, approximately 2.73 million light-years from Earth, and reaches its annual culmination at astronomical midnight mid October. Around the 18th of October to be more exact.
My 2023 reprocessed version of my 2021 Andromeda Galaxy data. A comparion of both versions is worth a look.
At CS number 16 started something completely new. I shot with a piggyback camera. This evening was a horrortrip, at least i came out with something to show.
The Pinwheel Galaxy – One of the famous Galaxies for Spring evenings. I had to ignore moon to practise more in astrophotography.
Bode’s and Cigar Galaxy, two well known Galaxies on the spring sky. I really like the result for only 30 minutes total exposure.
Some of my early collected light from 2021. Only 1h collected light is just not enough. Reprocessed in 2023. I like the stars much more, the rest is a question of masking and curves.
On the third evening i focused on the Andromeda Galaxy and I used PixInsight the 1st time in postprocessing.