A short evening with a result, but it could use at least double the exposure time.

A short evening with a result, but it could use at least double the exposure time.
The new workflow shows his power also on duo-narrowband material.
The picture combines HA/OIII nebula with RGB stars.
Legacy Lens from the 1970th meets my new workflow in 2024. The reprocessed version of the Orion region.
My 2023 reprocessed version of the Horsehead Nebula data from december 2021 with duo-narrowband filter.
The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula in my 2024 reprocessed version with photons collected in september 2021.
The available data are not the best. Nevertheless, the step to use a flattener was very important for me.
Dear Monkey Head Nebula: I won!
I tried it countless times. I was never successful to get a picture out of this material. Now, almost 3 years later I got a workflow (and the software) to handle this!
2023 reprocessed picture of Caldwell 49, the Rosette Nebula, based on the data from 2021.
7 Days after my first evening with my Vixen ed80sf, on February the 20th 2021, i had another clear sky. Again, i had to test and try a lot.
An evening in february in 2021. The first evening under clear skies with my new telescope. The first time hunting for deep sky objects.
The very first photo with an deep sky object was the Orion Nebula. It felt lika a miracle.