Astrophotography Emission Nebula Reflection Nebula

Astrophoto: NGC 6914 – 08/23

Reflection nebula embedded in HII. The newly processed data from my first astrophoto taken with my Baader 95/580 CaF2 Travel Companion APO in 2023.


Starting points for better Astrophotography Guiding

Some starting points for those who are still looking for better guiding (like me) for astrophotography. If you got more good ideas for better guiding, please let me know in the comments.


Messier Catalogue

List of the complete Messier Catalogue. The focus here are the information I use to plan my astrophotography projects.

Astrophotography Emission Nebula

Astrophoto: Eagle Nebula – Messier 16 – 07/23

Reprocessed 2024: My 2023 and 1st try ever of the 7000 LJ away nebula in the constellation serpens. And my only real Astrophoto with my Takahashi FS-60CB.

Astrophotography Solar System

Astrophoto: Moon – 03/01/2023

15 out of 35 pictures of the moon stacked with Autostakkert. It was a short session with a nice result.

Astrophotography Planetary Nebula

Astrophoto: Dumbbell Nebula – Messier 27 – 07/23

My reprocessed version of the Dumbbell Nebula – Messier 27, data from 09/2022, using my revamped PixInsight Process.

Astrophotography Solar System

Astrophoto: Moon – 03/30/2023

A single shot of the Moon. It was the 1st light with my Takahashi FS-60CB at the end of march 2023.

Astrophotography Planetary Nebula

Astrophoto: Owl Nebula – Messier 97 – 07/23

My finished astrophoto of the 2.025 LJ away Owl Nebula M97 in the constellation Ursa Major. Collected some more light and new workflow (2024).

Astrophotography Solar System

Astrophoto: Sun – summer solstice 06/24/23

The Sun – 3 days after summer solstice close to the meridian.

Astrophotography Globular Cluster

Astrophoto: Great Hercules Cluster – Messier 13 – 06/23

Clearly rounder and less inflated stars. The development of the new material from last summer has paid off.

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