Astrophotography Open Cluster

Astrophoto: NGC 6940 – 09/24

NGC 6940 – A beautiful open star cluster in the summer constellation Vulpecula, located about 2,500 light-years away.

Astrophotography Solar System

Map of the Moon – 09/24

The first result of my “Moon Cartography Project” – further versions of my moon map may follow.

Astrophotography Open Cluster

Astrophoto: Caldwell 10 and Messier 103 – 09/24

Four open star clusters in Cassiopeia: among others, Caldwell 10 and Messier 103. A truly beautiful frame with simply stunning stars.

Astrophotography Emission Nebula

Astrophoto: Sharpless 236 – 01/24

Sh2-236 material that I originally created for a “with OWB” vs “without OWB” filter test. Somehow, it feels like a shame not to develop an image from it.

Astrophotography Supernova

Astrophoto: Cygnus Loop – 08/24

A 22-hour project that fit almost perfectly on the full-frame sensor. The Cygnus Loop in Cygnus is a great late summer object.

Astrophotography Open Cluster

Astrophoto: Stars in Cygnus – 08/24

A few open star clusters—M39, NGC 7082, NGC 7062—and an asterism, NGC 7071, in the constellation Cygnus. My result after just one night.

Astrophotography Solar System

Astrophoto: Sun in Solar Continuum – 08/24

In August, there was quite a bit of activity on the Sun. I also tried my luck once.

Astrophotography Emission Nebula

Astrophoto: Sh2-131 – Elephant’s Trunk Nebula – 07/24

I photographed the Elephant’s Trunk Nebula again, achieving an enhanced image with better equipment and longer exposure time across four sessions.

Astrophotography Solar System

Astrophoto: Perseids Collage – 08/12/24

A collage with 8 meteors from the Perseid meteor shower on August 12, 2024.

Astrophotography Solar System

Astrophoto: The Moon – 06/29/2024

If he smiles at me so warmly at bedtime, I just have to take a picture of him. – Our Moon.

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